Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wall Words Work

In preparation for this coming week's celebration of Thanksgiving, we've been catching up on a number of "honey-dos" around the house. Miriam gave me some "wall words" for my birthday and here you see us finally get them applied. Paul is great at applying the words. Can't you tell?

Visit to Austin

The middle of November we journeyed to Austin when Paul had an unusual three days off. It was our first opportunity to see Sawyer since early July. My how he had grown. We enjoyed babysitting with him while his parents worked on Thursday and then spending time with his mom and dad on Friday.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

AAMFT Conference in Memphis, Tennessee

This past weekend Paul drove to Memphis, TN to join Jennifer at the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists' Annual Conference. He was able to take in the Civil Rights Museum while she attended the conference (a must see), but Saturday afternoon she was able to get away to go to the Memphis Botanical Gardens with him. Here you see a couple of shots at the gardens. We have visited several botanical gardens around the country, but noted this one was unique in its focus on trees. Above you see Paul with a very tall Southern Red Oak. Below he is standing in front of one of the fountains near the entry.

Jennifer attended the conference with colleagues Kristina Brown and Bill Robison from Forest. Both are professors and MFT faculty members. We also enjoyed spending time with Kristina's husband Tucker and Bill's wife, Laura.