Friday, June 27, 2008

Bower-Baker Reunion

Uncle Minor was named reunion master of all ceremonies. Our FU (favorite uncle) was open to all new ideas even dairy ease. He whipped out many lesser foes in the annual cribbage tournament. Remember it is more than luck. You must pay attention and play those cards.
The Green Girls got right into the beach house and vacation scene. This morning they were sorting through the previous night's celebration leftovers.

Little Sawyer seemed to love the lake and easy living of vacation. Gramma had lots of opportunities to get to know those wonderful grandkids.

It was great fun to spend time with the cousins and their kids. Kristie and Lexi were always ready for whatever the gathering threw at them. They even learned the reunion game- cribbage.

Needless to say some of our best times revolved around eating on the lakehouse deck. The lovey group in the front might have had one to many???

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Nice closing comment! They don't call you turd bird for nothing! : )