Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hitched or Not but Hatching

Saturday was a great day with the first ever Hitched (or Not) and Hatching event sponsored by Operation Us. We focused on providing relationship education to 118 households of new and expectant parents. Above you see one of the participants with his daughter.
Couples chatted as the looked over the workbooks and prepared for the day. We were grateful to First Baptist Church for allowing us to use their facility all day long.
Here are a few of the Junior League volunteers wearing their OpUs t-shirts. Shifts of workers came and went all day long making our job easier.
A panel of "experts," i.e., young parents with two or more children already, shared their experiences relative to their expectations about parenting and the realities they experienced. Here Justin Stevenson has the microphone.

Staff Social at Bakers

With the school year started the staff social began on Friday. Many workers came and many had other events. It was overcast most of the day but cleared enough for us to enjoy the evening together. Here three of our summer-care and before-and-after-care workers showed us their skills at badminton.

Here are two Js sitting and enjoying the evening. Jane and Joy always have a smile to share and show such care for their students.

Martha will ham it up for a camera. Note the wonderful look of suduction she flashes for the picture. Dave seems taken in by "the look."

New to staff socials is Nadine. Her husband will begin as church administrator on Monday. We were giving her tips on how to act now that she is the spouse of a church worker.

This handsome man is Nadine's husband and Redeemer newest worker, Gary Moss. He climbs into the saddle on Monday. We look forward to working with Gary.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trip To The Farm

It was a fine day in August on Saturday. We all needed some time outside so off to the farm we went. Here Addie demonstates her ability at driving the tractor.
Jennifer showed the twins the fowl area. Jennifer has a long history with chickens and did much teaching about our feathered friends.
Paul once milked a cow on Al-Lo Farm. He showed the girls how to manage an 1800 pound animal and get it to give milk. They were so impressed with Papa. They both thought Papa's hat was very farmy.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Up A Tree and On Top of the World

Baby Stella is such a sweet child. She is growing stronger every day. Soon she will be carrying Papa around.

The twins have started climbing trees. We were laughing about monkies and talking about Alex's parents in Zimbabee. Alex said,"We can go and visit them someday." To which Addie replied, "I think I'll stay home that day." They are something...

Birthday Party at Greens

Gramma started holding just Stella and before long everyone want a piece of the lap.

This picture is called the "little table." Miriam was often forced to sit at the little table when growing up. She has, with lots of work by professionals, been able to move on. I was surprised to see the twins at a little table. She informed me this was age appropriate. I guess her earlier experience was not...

Got to be a little after 7 PM and the girls got ready for bed. One of the "going to bed" routines is to give kisses. Andrew Magnus was not willing to receive their kisses and they settled for "blown kisses."

Jennifer's Birthday Weekend

What are birthdays with out jewelry? Mary Beth is assisting Jennifer with additional charms for her bracelet. They are so nice to you at Justice Jewelers.

Gifts were hand delievered and sent in the mail. What a wonderful birthday surrounded with gifts of love and appreciation.

Jennfer is a regular at the Springfield Farmers Market. Peachers are in season. Is there a better color that ripening peachers? Oh how sweet...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Visiting the Magnus' While Babysitting the Greens

Wanted to see both the Magnus's and the grandkids so we horned in on Dan and Mary's babysitting time. Here baby Stella and Grampa spent some bonding time. Stella loved Grampa's new shirt. Everyone needs a "Life Is Good" t-shirt.
It was a beautiful evening and the Green's backyard is so inviting. Here Dan is telling a story about growing up in the wilds of Nebraska and warding off wild animals as a normal part of life.
Stella was all about the story. Made her hair stand on end...
Ma and Pa Kettle allow me to take their picture together for my blog. All that stands between them is Tinsley the dog. They are quite the happy couple as you can see from this photo... They might need a "Life is Good" shirt... Just a thought. Random right.. That's Paul...

Teachers Prepare for Start of School Year

Springfield Lutheran School is beginning it 26th year of ministry to children. These wonderful teachers gathered on Wednesday and Thursday to prepare for opening day on August 20. SLS is blessed to have talented people caring for children's educational needs.
Here Mr. Irwin describes the finer points of studying algebra in all grade levels. Note the intense focus of all teachers to his comments.
This end of the room got the "I'm having fun no matter what" award. Their humor kept us going throughout the long devotional time lead by moi'. This August marks the 52nd year in a row I have started school in the fall.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ken and Barbies Birthday Party

Once a year Ken has a birthday party. He is not looking so bad for all those years, is he? Here Ken holds his second grandchild, Sugarcakes. We enjoy conversation and peach cobbler.
Here June is practicing her building skills. She is really quite talented.
Mr. Mike is enjoying the peach delight. What a nice way to celebrate a birthday...
Jennifer and friend, Mary share secrets about keeping their husbands in line...

Oh no another building June... Must be getting late.

The Age of Bicycles for the Twins

Addie and Jazz were making fun faces for my camera and sounds to go along with the looks. It was a big day as a jogging stroller was traded in on tricycles for the growing girls.
They look like old pros on their new transportation. Note the shiny bells on the handbars. Lets everyone know they are coming...
Sometimes it is hard to stop in time and a time or two they crashed into Gramma's car. Gramma got out in front and protected her Subaru from the two wild things....

Sunday Worship - What A Blessing

What a fun Sunday morning at Redeemer. Jennifer taught a class on the dishonest manager and did a great job. Mr. Duane was leading Sunday school for the children. He sang some great African songs.
Fellowship hour is just full of really fun people and their kids. Here Kurt and Shannon check out the fellowship refreshments...
Mandy always has a big "Hi" and "How Are You Doing." She brings an air of fun to any gathering at Redeemer. It is a good thing to get up and worship the Lord on Sunday. Pastor Sippy shared from his heart and had lots of fun stories from vacation time with family.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Shed Remodeling - Andersons Volunteering

Redeemer Lutheran School has this terrific shed used by the athletic department to store high jump equipment, mats and other bulky items. It was in terrible shape and the door pointed away from the school toward the rental house. Jerry Anderson, a grandparent of some of our school children, entered the scene and look what happened.
He replaced the disintegrating shed door with an overhead garage door and today worked with his lovely wife, Pamela, and "adopted son," Paul to re-side the improving shed. I would have been in the picture working, but who would take the picture?
Here Jerry finishes off the east end. Doesn't it look wonderful? Thanks Jerry and Pamela Anderson for your time and fine effort.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Laura

August 4 is Laura's birthday and also BO's but Laura has a birth certificate to prove it. (Oh... I digress and this is not a politicial blog-for the most part) We had the honor of celebrating this event on Tuesday evening. Laura's husband Bill works with Jennifer at Forest. Laura loves puzzles.
Let's get your present out and put it together. The four of us got it started. I am told no one will rest at their house until it is finished.
Bill and Laura love cats and have quite a collection of felines. I would call it a clowder of cats.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Fun - Mega Marriage Event

On Saturday Jennifer and I taught at an Ozark Marriage Matters Event in Boliver, MO. 16 wonderful couple gathered to grow in their marriage experience. This was a great couple full of fun and life but I assume he was in the witness protection plan and thus could not face the camera.
What fun the couples had learning and growing about their marriages. Jennifer did the teaching and I provided the color commentary. Do they look happy or what... Jennifer does a great job with couples.
Jennifer's summer flowers. Come and visit and sit on our patio. You will enjoy good friends, a little ice tea and a beautiful view of Jennifer's gardens. She is currently fighting Japanese beetles on the roses. Heard the little creatures called some bad names tonight. I told her they were all part of God's big design... She doesn't always appreciate my spiritual insights.