Friday, December 28, 2007

Baby Boomer Blogging

Our daughter has insisted that we have a blog. She has a wonderful blog and sees it as a must for keeping everyone in her circle of friends updated. Our son, on the otherhand, fears that we will become like those bloggers--of which there are apparently many--that have one post on their site and never go further. So, as you can see, the jury is out but we love a challenge. We won't be equal to Miriam, but we may surpass other hip people our age. We're wondering, do any of our friends even have a blog? We'll see.

1 comment:

nancy said...

Glad Miriam has talked you into blogging... I think you'll find you really enjoy it! My parents are just getting savvy enough to actually check their email, so you are MILES ahead of them! Looking forward to keeping up on your life outside of work!