Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 12 Glacier - Postscript or Pre-Post Mortem

This is the last posting for the 2009 Glacier Trip. We had a wonderful time. We find that many of our friends have never been there. In the picture above we see friends together experiencing the wonders of the great outdoors. Maybe you see yourself in this picture too?

Pictures can only take you so far. To really get the feel you need to be there, smell the air, turn a 360 and see only God's wonderous creation. We are planning a return trip next summer sometime in July. We are looking for some adventerous friends to join us and share the fun.

We are scoping out some new places to stay and home base this operation. Think about it. Everyone ought to go at least once.


Miriam said...

I'll go if the grandkids get to sleep in your cabin and ride in your car... : )! Think of the memories...

The D's said...

I loved following your trip! It was a nice reminder that there is life outside kids and work! I also enjoyed the commentary, keep up the good work! ~Lisa