Friday, October 23, 2009

Redeemer Staff Celebrates Marty Party

The Redeemer staff gets together to socialize on the fourth Fridayof the month during the school year. Dan and Mary Magnus hosted this month's party and planned a special commemoration of Martin Luther, our founding saint. The Shaw-Moss-Baker team were tasked with taking Marty to five coded locations and returning as quickly as possible to the Magnus house. As you can see Marty got around to a tavern, a school of higher learning, Bass Pro and a Lutheran church. We were not the fastest group, but we did win the prize for our clever decifering of the coded clues. Great fun was had by all.
Mr. Gerdes was disappointed his team did not win. The Rose-Gerdes-Stouder team cut a few corners and the judges ruled they were tied for second place with the Parvey-Irwin team...

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